Technology In Focus

Modern Education’s Dynamism with Digital Learning

The 21st century marks an age of significant digital changes that have permeated our learning endeavors and knowledge pursuits. This digital transformation has brought unprecedented advancements in communication and development. Improved communication is seen as a catalyst for stronger relationships, creating a mutually reinforcing cycle. Modern technology stands out as a remarkable boon to human society, and the simultaneous electronic revolution has turned communication into a potent force with limitless reach. The education sector has undergone a notable shift by embracing digitization as a learning tool, utilizing internet resources for transformative purposes. However, in remote areas of Northeast India, digital learning still poses a challenge, primarily due to regional disparities that have not received the necessary attention and focus.

Re-thinking Education System

In the face of every crisis, there emerges an opportunity for humanity to transcend the challenges and elevate itself beyond existential difficulties. Historically, humans have emerged from crises with refined perspectives, new visions, and altered ways of life. Crisis situations prompt a reorientation of methods, a change in tools, and a reimagining of the future. As we entered the new millennium, technological advancements provided a broader and more interconnected view of the world. The global pandemic has profoundly disrupted the education system worldwide.

Nevertheless, virtual classes, commonly known as online classes, emerged as a solution to sustain the education system during these challenging times. When the pandemic rendered physical classes impractical, online classes seamlessly took their place as an alternative mode of learning. This shift represented a significant breakthrough, transitioning from traditional classroom learning to digital methods. Educational institutions, from universities to schools, have effectively delivered academic curricula through various apps such as Zoom, Google Meet, Seesaw, Vico Smart-Board, Byju, and others. This transformation is attributed to both technological advancements and the digital readiness of learners. We find ourselves firmly entrenched in a technocratic world, and the ability to navigate this technological landscape has become a determining factor. It underscores a clear digital divide that exists within the learning community, distinguishing between those well-versed in technology and those who are not.

Teacher- Student Management in digital learning

The fundamental requirement for successful digital learning lies in a transformation of the thought process. There must be a substantial and paradigmatic shift in how management, educators, and students perceive education, considering the shift toward digital and virtual learning. Students must cultivate critical thinking and emotional maturity, as genuine learning involves solving and understanding problems, not just transferring information. Knowledge should be generated, not merely passed on. Teachers should develop digital competence to establish connections with students and parents, contributing to the moral and emotional development of the student.

Embracing digital learning requires humility and patience in acquiring technological skills. The current need involves unlearning previous teaching methods, relearning, and adapting to digital platforms. Prioritizing creative and innovative learning is essential. Teachers must be dynamic learners and school management should consistently upgrade the education system. To enhance engagement and foster effective learning, technology adoption is crucial, as students thrive in an environment where they are engaged and interested.

Virtual learning: a supplement, not an alternative

The concept of virtual online learning has consistently sparked debate within the academic curriculum. It’s crucial to acknowledge that online learning serves as a complementary element to traditional offline or physical learning; it should not stand alone as the exclusive mode of learning. While we embrace digital advancements and revolutions, we must uphold the significance of classroom learning. The assertion that “No Google or Technology can replace a Teacher ever” resonates strongly, especially as months of online classes during the global pandemic have stretched into a year. This perspective appears almost self-evident without the need for additional arguments. Bill Gates once emphasized, “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is most important.” Beyond considerations of virtual learning, the challenges faced by adolescents and teenagers in their stress-filled and tumultuous stages of life add to the restlessness experienced during these times.

Overcoming the crisis situation:

a) Updating and upgrading learning

Each challenge brings forth its silver lining, and in the face of adversity, we’ve discovered opportunities for learning and growth. These trials haven’t just imparted survival skills but have also instilled in us the ability to thrive. We’ve become adept at technology and more welcoming of its presence. Both the mindset of management and staff has shifted towards being more receptive to digital learning as opposed to traditional methods. Digital literacy has evolved into an essential tool for knowledge pursuit. Edutopia emphasizes that combining technology with in-person teacher interaction typically yields superior academic results compared to relying solely on either approach.

b) Viability and Availability

The potential for “viability” and “availability” is uncertain as the sky network restricts access to essential learning resources. In the realm of digital learning, a crucial question arises: is everyone included in the digital learning space, or have some learners been left behind by the limitations of the digital network? There are regions where networks are yet to be established and others where online classes face challenges due to unfriendly or inaccessible networks. A more significant concern is whether the economically disadvantaged can afford smartphones. This issue is particularly pronounced in rural hill areas, where families with multiple children studying online struggle to afford even a single smartphone. The intersection of network limitations and poverty poses significant challenges, especially for rural and economically disadvantaged communities, exacerbating the impact of the global pandemic.

This predicament introduces a stark choice between “Exist or Exit.” We are now tasked with the responsibility of either constructing physical buildings or enhancing educational capabilities. The crisis has spurred several transformations in the education system. Visionary leadership is essential at the school management level, requiring an adept digital competency from the teaching staff, and a willingness to embrace a changed mindset toward learning from the students. Consequently, reinventing and restructuring the education system is imperative in the post-COVID educational landscape.

Source: ImpalTreePress


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